College of Doctoral Studies
Innovative research supporting human capital and driving organizational growth
Research Chair: Dr. Kimberly M. Underwood
Senior Research Fellow: Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny
Senior Research Fellow: Dr. Joy Taylor
The Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research (CWDIR) serves as the research home for faculty, students and alumni who have an expressed interest or have an existing research agenda related to the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) in workplaces and communities of practice.
As diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) research encompasses a broad range of possible research topics, the Center brings together scholars across various disciplines to support existing research agendas and generate new and innovative ideas for future research and scholarship.
The Center seeks to create a progressive community of scholarship by providing collegiality, support and resources to faculty, students and alumni. Opportunities for research are cultivated and supported in a variety of ways within the Center, including establishing direct affiliation with the Center and its articulated research and scholarship agenda, serving as an advisor or contributor or serving as a Fellow-in-Residence for the Center.
For more information on research and scholarship opportunities or Center membership, please email us directly at
You can also complete the CWDIR Membership Request form for membership consideration.
Research Chair
Dr. Kimberly Underwood
Dr. Kimberly Underwood has over two decades of experience in the areas of diversity and inclusion leadership, strategic planning and project management, professional development and training, teaching, consulting, research, university accreditation leadership, and higher education administration.
Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny
Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Joy Taylor
The Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research (CWDIR) has a dual mission to:
The vision of the Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research (CWDIR) is to be the leading generator of impactful research-based publications and presentations that lead to practical and innovative solutions for healthy, all-inclusive organizational cultures.
The Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research (CWDIR) serves as a conduit for the dissemination of groundbreaking and innovative research findings from UOPX faculty and student scholars to stakeholders interested in gaining theoretical and applied knowledge for the purpose of supporting diverse organizational cultures and creating all-inclusive working environments.
Goals for the Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research (CWDIR) include:
The Fellows in Residence role has been designed to usher in the potentials of like-minded researchers who desire to become part of the research enterprise. The Research Centers implemented the voluntary role in 2020, and has since grown the cadre of fellows who work within each center. We continue to invite those who are interested in becoming fellows to reach out to each center for more information.